L. L. Rodgers, M.D.

Linell L. Rodgers, M.D.
May 29, 1955

Milton H. Erickson, M.D.
32 W. Cypress Street
Phoenix, Arizona

My Dear Dr. Erickson,
It is with the greatest of pleasure that I take these few moments out to get this letter that I have been trying for several days to write, off to you.
In the first place, I want to express my sincere and most earnest and thankful appreciation to you for the brotherly interest that you personally took in me at the Seminar just held in Chicago. I feel that I
have accomplished a tremendous amount although I know that I have only scratched the surface.
I enjoyed every minute of the Seminar but most of all, the personal visit that I had with you in your room Saturday evening. From the experience that I gained and knowledge received in the Seminar, it
seems that my eyes have been opened to many things and with a profound understanding and knowledge of others that previously to me were mysteries. A clearer understanding of much Biblical writing, for example, Revelations, has come out of a slight understanding of hypnotism.
Do you remember me asking the question the last day of the Seminar whether brain washing, as practiced by the Russians, was in fact not a form of hypnotism that was being practiced on captured
prisoners of war? If I’m correct in quoting you, your answer was, “No.” If I am wrong in quoting you, but, in the June issue of Coronet magazine, there is an article by Tris Coffin, in which he states in so many words, that brain washing, as practiced by the Russian, is hypnotism. The article is found on page 120, and I would like for you to read it at your leisure. If possible, give me your analysis of the article. The young lady that I spoke to you about and concerning whom I received certain answers to questions asked while in a tranced state in my room before coming over to your room, seems to me to fit into a picture that is outlined in the article by Tris Coffin.
I shall tell you more about this case as I study it more closely. She seems to be afraid to be so treated or analyzed by means of hypnosis. I am sure you remember the case and I will appreciate your
instructions to me as to what steps to take.
I remember your having told me that there is also something about the man in question, that if once found out, he would be no longer appreciated and that nothing further possibly would develop in the case. But there has been some strange angles that have turned up recently and I am very much puzzled. Would you suggest that I go into a hypnotic trance and see if automatic writing would bring forth the answers to the questions desired in order that the condition may be corrected?
I am not going to take more of your time as I feel that now I am intruding, and, that I don’t wish to do, but in closing, allow me again to thank you for everything you did for me and the personal help you gave me. I feel only you could and would give in the way that you did.

With kindest regards, I remain
Sincerely yours,
L. L. Rodgers, M.D.