W. Earl Biddle, M.D.

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Department of Public Welfare
Philadelphia State Hospital
Philadelphia 14, Pennsylvania
January 25, 1961

Milton H. Erickson, M.D.
32 Cypress Street
Phoenix, Arizona

Dear Doctor Erickson,
Your lecture and demonstration at Philadelphia State Hospital has had a tremendous influence in improving the morale of all who attended. I wish that I could convey to you an idea of the sense of
amazement mingled with the importance of the practical usefulness of hypnotherapy which you conveyed to them. I have heard the most glowing reports from many individuals in key positions here. They have gained a new understanding of the meaning of the trance in the sense of a different state of awareness. They have also gained new insights into the possibilities associated with its use. Your
technical skill is beyond comprehension. Each time I see you I must marvel at the facility you have in trance induction. I used to hope to learn something of your skill but I realize that there is but one Doctor
If it had not been for the bad weather, there would have been more in the audience. We had invited representatives from adjacent state hospitals but the were unable to attend.
I neglected to ask you about expenses but if you would send me a statement of expenses incurred by the additional day in the city, we will be happy to take care of it.
Again, please accept my heartfelt thanks. I feel most honored to know you and be able to introduce other professional people to your unsurpassable scientific skill, your ability as an educator and your
most gracious friendliness as a person.

Sincerely yours,
W. Earl Biddle, M.D.